🇨🇦 = 加拿大適用 🦌 = 緬省適用 ⭐️ = 先睇
🇨🇦 加國入門網站 ⭐️ https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/opportunities.html ✳️ https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/new-immigrants/prepare-life-canada/prepare-work/look-jobs.html
🦌 緬省入門網站 ⭐️ https://residents.gov.mb.ca/findingwork.html
🦌 Manitoba Start ⭐️ https://manitobastart.com
✳️🦌雖然assume大家都知,但都補番Immigrant Centre Manitoba 都有用 https://www.facebook.com/icmanitoba1/
🇨🇦 Indeed https://ca.indeed.com/?from=gnav-jobsearch--jasx
🇨🇦 Job Bank https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/home
🇨🇦 Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/?trk=guest_homepage-jobseeker_nav-header-logo
🇨🇦 Government of Canada Jobs https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/opportunities/government.html
🦌 Manitoba Government Job Opportunities https://jobsearch.gov.mb.ca/search.action
🦌 STEP Services for students https://www.gov.mb.ca/cyo/studentjobs/
🦌 City of Winnipeg Careers https://www.winnipeg.ca/hr/
🦌 Shared Health Careers https://sharedhealthmb.ca/careers/
🦌 Winnipeg Calling Recruitment Campaign https://edwtalentmission.com/?fbclid=IwAR1vCEMFcUBERXgkKoreE4Kp5TLEDqfpHgfQaQi-1Zh4-Gnfh2813gBRhiY#section-164616
🇨🇦 Workopolis https://www.workopolis.com/en/
🇨🇦 Monster https://www.monster.ca/jobs/l-winnipeg-mb
🇨🇦 Glassdoor https://www.glassdoor.ca/index.htm
🇨🇦 Eluta https://m.eluta.ca/search?q=&l=Winnipeg+MB&qc=
🇨🇦 Neuvoo https://neuvoo.ca/jobs/?k=&l=Winnipeg%2C+MB%2C+Canada&f=&o=&p=&r=15
🇨🇦 Moving2canada https://moving2canada.com/jobs/
✳️ 後加 🇨🇦 Vanhack https://vanhack.com
🦌 Economic Development Winnipeg https://www.liveinwinnipeg.com/work-here/employment-resources
🦌Opportunity for Employment https://ofe.ca
🦌 Youth Employment Service ⭐️ https://www.yesmb.ca/online-resources
🇨🇦 🦌 ⭐️ https://3b5fd919-4e05-4396-b244-657e57444a57.filesusr.com/ugd/224d25_a719bc901302461f97b6ad84a74cd0bb.pdf
🦌 Manitoba Career Prospect https://manitobacareerprospects.ca/246/job-board
🦌 Osborne Village Resource Centre https://ovrc.ca
🇨🇦🦌⭐️ https://ovrc.ca/job-banks/
🦌 Winnipeg Transition Centre https://www.winnipegtransitioncentre.com/
🦌 Connect Employment (for adults with intellectual disabilities) http://www.connectemployment.ca/
🦌 Manitiba Jobs https://www.manitobajobs.com/jobs?start=0&size=10&isState=true&sort=score
🦌 SEED Winnipeg http://seedwinnipeg.ca
🦌 Edge Skills Centre http://www.edgeinc.ca/index.html
🦌 Manitoba Jobs and Skills Development Centre http://www.manitobacareerdevelopment.ca/cdi/index.html
🦌 Winnipeg English Language Assessment and Referral Centre https://www.welarc.net
🦌 Job Referral Service https://www.gov.mb.ca/jrs/
🦌 UW Career Service ⭐️ https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/career-services/index.html
🇨🇦🦌⭐️ https://www.uwinnipeg.ca/career-services/job-posting-websites.html
🦌 UM Career Service https://umanitoba.ca/careerservices/career-fairs
🦌 RRC Career Service https://www.rrc.ca/ses/
🦌 MITT Career Service https://mitt.ca/career-development-services
🦌 Tech Manitoba https://m.facebook.com/techmanitoba/
🦌Creative Manitoba https://creativemanitoba.ca/opportunities/jobs/
🇨🇦🦌 211 https://mb.211.ca/top-level-terms/employment-training/?language=en&filter%5B4431%5D=job-search-support-training
⭐️⭐️⭐️ 極重要: 各專業註冊機構官網公司名單 , 各公司、商鋪官網、社交媒體Job Listing ⭐️⭐️⭐️
#要知有甚麼軟件要識用 #一定要有SocialInsuranceNumber #一次機會的心態執好CoverLetter同RESUME才出擊 #Resume要有JobListing內Keywords #CoverLetter1頁Resume2頁不要水蛇春 #很多朋友是行入店鋪打去OfficeColdCall #有budget你有用就會請未必會登廣告 #私人公司有人推薦介紹面試機會會大增 #人際網絡是重要的 #第一份工最難找因冇本地經驗 #第一份工賺的是人脈經驗福利舖路 #由低做起不要怕被定型 #Manager可能由CallCentre執貨出身 #工作目的是移民上岸就好難嫌薪水一般 #扣稅托兒後可能打個和 #要知一條腿定兩條腿走路 #PR前收支平衡已好好 #PR後天大地大先再打算 #PR後可能去其他省做返本行也未可知 #所以問題唔單係買樓定租樓抵 #問題係你ready長住一個城市未 #工簽同回流係不同玩法 #學簽應善用合法工作的權利賺經驗 #學生冇Network應考慮CoopInternPartTime義工 #雇主其實貼錢教你加拿大常識 #你撞板老闆要幫你埋單 #哪有不撞板的新移民 #不妄自菲薄也不自視過高 #你同事可能以前猛料過你
雖然緬省就業市場和安省不同(例如在緬省,不懂英語的就業市場是極度細。因公司數目少,所以做回本行是possible but difficult)
試下上indeed.ca搵, 有規模公司多數post indeed, 最好寫現處location同work permit情況。
加拿大visas/permits種類太多,好多加拿大僱主唔係好了解work permit
加拿大好大,好多人跨城跨省搵工,online interview非常普遍
I’ve got my job offer in August last year for ski resort via online application and Skype interview
最近亦一個朋友傾偈,喺香港收到job offer , 容許remote工作. 機會還是有的👍
尋日加拿大移民局宣布將會推出新協助港人移民計劃, 有很多人都開始研究移民加拿大。其中,有多人對喺加拿大搵工都比較擔心。有見及此, 我搵咗一啲網上有關求職嘅資料分享俾大家。當中有官方網站,有主流求職網站,也有特別工種求職網站,希望幫到你。由於本人身處 BC 省,所以資料以 BC省為主。若你有個別需求,可以pm 我。 官方網站或指引 1) Job Bank - Service Canada (https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/home) Job listings from across Canada sorted by province. 2) Job Bank - Explore Careers by Wages (https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/trend-analysis/search-occupations) Using labour market information from Human Resources & Skill Development Canada, search wage ranges for careers by job title. 3) WorkBC: Future Job Prospects (https://www.workbc.ca/....../BC_Good_Jobs_For_Today......) A guide to careers, training and education pathways in B.C. 4) WorkBC: Jobs & Careers (https://www.workbc.ca/Jobs-Careers.aspx) Virtual information centre that provides access to career, training, and employment information resources and services such as labour market information, job listings, and educational resources that British Columbians can use in order to prepare for, obtain and keep employment. 5) BCJobs.ca (https://www.bcjobs.ca/) Connects job seekers with employers in all B.C. employment sectors. 6) CanadianCareers.com (http://www.canadiancareers.com/) Covers topics like exploring careers, marketing yourself, and finding work. 7) Salary.com - Salary Information (https://www.salary.com/research/salary) Salary, benefit, and negotiation guide by location and occupation. 特殊工種求職網站 😎 Charity Village (https://charityvillage.com/) A job search site for positions at Canadian non-profit organisations, both paid and unpaid. Set up an alert for positions that meet your skills and location. (以NGO工種為主) 9) Civicjobs.ca (https://www.civicjobs.ca/) Guide to employment opportunities with Canadian local governments. Includes postings. (專門提供各級政府工種) 10) Jobboom (https://www.jobboom.com/en) Quebec's largest employment site (以魁北克省工作為主) 11) T-Net BC (https://www.bctechnology.com/default.cfm) Job postings in the BC technology industry. (以BC省資訊科技為主) 其他主流求職網站 12) Adzuna (https://www.adzuna.ca/) Adzuna is a job aggregator that searches thousands of websites and brings together millions of job postings. 13) LinkedIn Job Board (https://www.linkedin.com/jobs/) The LinkedIn job board adds postings everyday with company information. Search jobs by specific Vancouver / Lower Mainland locations; company; industry; experience level; and job title. 14) CareerBuilder (https://www.careerbuilder.com/) One of the most popular job searching site in the world. 15) Craigslist (https://vancouver.craigslist.org/d/jobs/search/jjj) Hundreds of job postings updated daily. Browse or filter by category (e.g., part-time, telecommute, etc.). 16) Eluta (https://www.eluta.ca/) A search site for new jobs that allows searches in several categories, such as best employers for new Canadians and best employers for recent graduates. Try the advanced search for great options. 17) Indeed (https://ca.indeed.com/) A meta search engine allowing job seekers to specify location as well as type of job, collecting information from other Canadian employment databases. 18) Job-Applications.ca (https://ca.job-applications.com/) An employment resource designed to help Canadian job seekers find work, Job-Applications.ca offers applications, job tips, company overviews and career-related articles for major businesses. 19) Glassdoor (https://www.glassdoor.ca/Reviews/index.htm) A website where current and former employees anonymously review companies, and apply for jobs. 20) Google for Jobs (https://www.google.com/search?q=Google%20for%20Jobs......) 21) neuvoo.ca (https://neuvoo.ca/) neuvoo aggregates all jobs from employers career's website in order for candidates to find all jobs available in their preferred regions. neuvoo is a digital recruitment firm launched in 2011. 22) Monster.ca (https://www.monster.ca/) Canada's leading online career management portal. 23) SimplyHired (https://www.simplyhired.ca/) A job search tailored for you 24) Robert Half (https://www.roberthalf.ca/en) A global human resource consulting firm; the world's first and largest accounting and finance staffing firm 25) Workopolis (https://www.workopolis.com/en/) Since it launched in 2000 with 15,000 jobs, Workopolis has always been the most popular career site in Canada. Today it features over 50,000 jobs a day.