今日(6月8日) 加拿大 政府推出了港人期待已久 救生艇 計劃的另外兩條 Pathway !申請條件非常優厚!等小編即刻同大家一齊了解政策詳情。
今次 加拿大 推出的另外兩條 Pathway 分別為
1. 加拿大 畢業生
2. 具 加拿大 工作經驗者
- 加拿大 畢業生
以 加拿大 畢業生 身分申請必須具備以下條件:
持有 香港 特區護照或BNO
申請及取得永久居留權時必須在 加拿大 境內
持有 有效的臨時居留簽證
於CLB( Canadian Language Benchmark)的聽說讀寫分別有5分或以上
於 加拿大 政府認可的院校(DLI) 畢業
Diploma文憑 (課程長度至少兩年)
Degree學位 (學士/碩士/博士)
Graduate/ Post-graduate diploma/certificate學士後文憑或證書 (課程長度至少一年)
需於 加拿大 境內完成最少50%的課程
*如以學士後文憑或證書申請,申請人必需於 申請 加拿大 學士後文憑或證書時起計五年內於大學取得學位。
- 具 加拿大 工作經驗者
以具 加拿大 工作經驗者身分申請必須具備以下條件:
持有 香港 特區護照或BNO
申請及取得永久居留權時必須在 加拿大 境內
持有 有效的臨時居留簽證
於CLB( Canadian Language Benchmark)的聽說讀寫分別有5分或以上
-於 加拿大 政府認可的院校(DLI)於完成文憑/學位課程
-於 加拿大 政府認可的院校(DLI)完成證書課程
加拿大 大專 文憑 (課程長度至少兩年)
加拿大 學位
學士後文憑或證書 (課程長度至少一年)
於申請前三年在 加拿大 全職工作至少12個月或同等時間的兼職時數(至少1,560小時)
– 全職學生
– 於工作時請假(醫療/產假/侍產假等)
申請日期為2021年6月1日至2026年8月31日。如果大家對 今次的 香港 Pathway 有任何問題,可參閱 IRCC 官網。
Minister Mendicino announces two new pathways to permanent residency for Hong Kongers in Canada.
These pathways are opened for Hong Kongers who meet certain education and/or work experience qualifications.
Stream A – Applicants must have completed one of the following educational credentials at a post-secondary designated learning institution in Canada in the last 3 years, and they must have done at least 50% of their program of study (in person or online) while in Canada:
degree (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate)
diploma from a program that is at least 2 years in length
graduate or post-graduate credential (for a diploma or certificate) from a program that is at least 1 year in length; in addition, the program must require a post-secondary degree or diploma, which must have been earned no more than 5 years before starting the graduate or post-graduate program
Stream B – Applicants must have at least 1 year of full-time work experience (or the part-time equivalent, that is, at least 1,560 hours in total) in Canada in the last 3 years; they must also have completed one of the following at a post-secondary learning institution in or outside Canada in the last 5 years:
degree (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or doctorate)
diploma from a program that is at least 2 years in length
graduate or post-graduate credential (for a diploma or certificate) from a program that is at least 1 year in length; in addition, the program must require a post-secondary degree or diploma, which must have been earned no more than 5 years before starting the graduate or post-graduate program